Arrival & Dismissal
Welcome back to another wonderful school year. Below you will find our drop-off area for the morning and dismissal plan. The Sierra staff would like to thank you for all your support in creating an effective before and after-school release plan. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Brabson at 812-5800. Again, we thank you for your cooperation and patience.
Mary Irene Brabson
Sierra Elementary Principal
Morning Drop Off
Parents dropping students off in the mornings - please note that doors to the school DO NOT open until 7:20- Please DO NOT ARRIVE any earlier.
There are 2 places where students can be dropped off.
The Roundabout - please remember to not exit your car, please drop your students on the curb, and move on through. This is to prevent traffic from blocking the road, if you need to get out of your car be sure to use the north parking lot.
Park in the North parking lot โ The parking lot will allow you to get out of your vehicle and walk your child or children to the front lobby. Please say goodbye and Sierra Staff will walk your child into the cafeteria for breakfast.
All Students will need to enter the building and go straight into the cafeteria where breakfast will be served. Students will be released to their designated areas at 7:45. Please note the first bell to start school will ring at 7:50 and the Tardy bell will ring at 7:55.
In addition, when dropping off your students, parents will not be allowed in the building. If you need to meet with a teacher or principal, please make an appointment - this is not a good time for teachers to talk, as they are preparing for duties and their day to begin.
After School Dismissal Plan
Please see the following dismissal plan - it is broken down for bus riders, pick-ups, and walkers. This table will let you know the designated areas for each grade level for those of you who pick up your students.
Kindergarten - Fifth Grade Riding the School Bus
GO TO: Bus turn around at the end of the building.
A Sierra staff member will walk Grade K-2 grade students from their classrooms.
3rd -5th-grade students will meet K-2 at the designated lineup area for each bus by the fence.
Kindergarten - Fifth Grade going to After School Day Care
GO TO: Covered tables at the end of Hallway A & C - by the bus drop off and pick up.
A Sierra staff member will walk K-2 grade students from their classrooms.
3rd -5th-grade students will meet K-2 at the designated tables to wait for daycare vans.
Kindergarten - Fourth Pick-up by Parent/Guardian
[and/or adult on the student's approved release documentation (on the registration form)]
Kindergarten - Court Yard.
1st - Front of the building by the tables.
2nd - Blacktop area at the end of their hall.
3rd - Blacktop area at the end of their hall.
4th - Blacktop area at the end of their hall.
Upper-grade students who need to pick up a younger sibling(s) must proceed outside with their classes and then walk around the building to their sibling's designated dismissal area.
Kindergarten - Fourth Walking Home
Kindergarten - Court Yard.
1st - At the front of the building by the tables.
2nd - Blacktop area at the end of their hall.
3rd - Blacktop area at the end of their hall.
4th - Blacktop area at the end of their hall.
Upper-grade students who need to pick up a younger sibling(s) must proceed outside with their classes and then walk around the building to their sibling's designated dismissal area. K-2 teachers will release students to their siblings or if they do not have siblings, they will release these students to begin walking home.
Fifth Grade Walking Home
GO TO: Doors at the end of their hallway.
Fifth-grade teachers will lead their students out of the entrance/exit doors and release students to begin walking home.
Fifth Grade Pick-up by Parent/Guardian and/or adult on student's approved release document (Yellow Card)
GO TO: Doors at the end of their hallway. Fifth-grade teachers will lead their students out of the entrance/exit doors. Students will proceed to the blacktop area where the other students are waiting for their parents.
All Students Pick-up by Parent/Guardian and/or adult on student's approved release document (Yellow Card)
GO TO: Classrooms. During INCLEMENT WEATHER students will remain in their classrooms. Parent/Guardian and/or Adult on student's approved release documentation must pick up their child(ren) after 2:50 pm release bell rings at their student's classroom.